Monday, July 15, 2013

He's the Man!!!

In II Chronicles 5-8, we see King Solomon at his best!  He's the man!!!

The King of Israel, son of King David, has just finished a magnificent golden temple in honor of The Most High God, and is now leading a 7 day dedication ceremony to sanctify the temple for the presence of God. King Solomon is on target. His heart seems right. He is sacrificing thousands and thousands of animals in blood sacrifice, as prescribed by the law of Moses. This is his moment of greatness. 

And God responds!  The whole Israelite community witnesses fire that comes down from heaven to consume the sacrifices. Singers sing. The entire nation drops to their knees in astonishment and reverence. This is how it should be. 

So one of the greatest kings in Israel's history who had reportedly spoken directly with God Himself, is doing the right thing. He is right on track...... 

Until he does the wrong thing. 

Ironically, in satanic circles, King Solomon is credited with founding and organizing all things satanic. From rituals to explanations of how to attain satanic power.... He does it all. He is the man!  

Solomon, with his unquenchable desire for many, many women, is lured by, schooled into, and excels at learning the ways of many, many pagan gods. Apparently each woman Solomon desires comes with her own god. With 300 wives and 700 concubines, that is a lot of 'god info' available to a smart guy like Solomon. Solomon, being the wisest man on earth at the time, and a quick study, is undoubtedly able to organize all of that accumulated knowledge for all of the following generations interested in learning how to attain power through occultic means. 

What a fascinating man. Able to be really, really dedicated to serving his father's Holy God, yet able to turn and be just as really, really dedicated to serving and facilitating the worship of the satan. 

Yes... King Solomon was 'the man'. 

He represents our ability as 'man' to be completely focused on either the right or the wrong thing during our so short sojourn on planet earth.  Dedication does not always equal productive. Interesting.