Monday, July 15, 2013

He's the Man!!!

In II Chronicles 5-8, we see King Solomon at his best!  He's the man!!!

The King of Israel, son of King David, has just finished a magnificent golden temple in honor of The Most High God, and is now leading a 7 day dedication ceremony to sanctify the temple for the presence of God. King Solomon is on target. His heart seems right. He is sacrificing thousands and thousands of animals in blood sacrifice, as prescribed by the law of Moses. This is his moment of greatness. 

And God responds!  The whole Israelite community witnesses fire that comes down from heaven to consume the sacrifices. Singers sing. The entire nation drops to their knees in astonishment and reverence. This is how it should be. 

So one of the greatest kings in Israel's history who had reportedly spoken directly with God Himself, is doing the right thing. He is right on track...... 

Until he does the wrong thing. 

Ironically, in satanic circles, King Solomon is credited with founding and organizing all things satanic. From rituals to explanations of how to attain satanic power.... He does it all. He is the man!  

Solomon, with his unquenchable desire for many, many women, is lured by, schooled into, and excels at learning the ways of many, many pagan gods. Apparently each woman Solomon desires comes with her own god. With 300 wives and 700 concubines, that is a lot of 'god info' available to a smart guy like Solomon. Solomon, being the wisest man on earth at the time, and a quick study, is undoubtedly able to organize all of that accumulated knowledge for all of the following generations interested in learning how to attain power through occultic means. 

What a fascinating man. Able to be really, really dedicated to serving his father's Holy God, yet able to turn and be just as really, really dedicated to serving and facilitating the worship of the satan. 

Yes... King Solomon was 'the man'. 

He represents our ability as 'man' to be completely focused on either the right or the wrong thing during our so short sojourn on planet earth.  Dedication does not always equal productive. Interesting. 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I'm supposed to blog!

I can't tell you how many times my son has told me that I need to blog.  
And since he has seemingly attempted to at least listen to my advice all of these years...I have decided to dutifully obey and start blogging.  

I guess I tell a lot of stories that just should be 'blogged'.  I think the only thing the the 'bloggee' will be missing when they read the blog will be the part where I start laughing when I relate my own story.  Not very professional...but, at least, you can tell that I enjoy my own story.  :)

In our Webb World there are a lot of stories.  In fact, I found, after marrying into the Webb name, that Webbs have quite a few stories.  In fact...Webbs, by the sound of many of the stories passed down over the years, are almost a story in themselves.  Sometimes you never know if the story is really true...until some diligent Webb researches on the internet and, by golly, finds the actually handwritten account from the Webb ancestor relating the same incredible story that has been related for the last 40 years.  

Yep....the stories about how the Webb kid, who lost his Webb dad in an ambush on a slave trading ship after being poisoned by the chief of the tribe in Africa actually did give up his inheritance in England to stow away on a boat to come to America.   

And, yeah....apparently, this same Webb kid was on a boat sailing across the Atlantic when a deadly, rotten, killer pirate takes over the boat and, even though he has always killed all of his captives....this time spares the whole ship when he finds that his ex-fiance, who he unceremoniously jilted to run off and become a pirate, is by some miracle, on the boat...and he feels so bad for leaving her to sail the high seas....that the Webb kid survives another potential early end to his lucky life.  

And, then this Webb kid's kid survives an Indian attack that took his brother and killed him.  Another one of our Webbs made it through the revolutionary war, like, 3 times or more.  Others of our Webbs got kicked out of their very own Webb City Missouri because one of them fell in love and married and indian gal...(so much for political correctness)  :)  

There are more stories, more near misses, more crazy coincidences that just go to prove the point, over and over again, that the Webb World is unique.  Just like all the 'worlds' out there....but I will try to offer that unique Webb perspective.  (It is debatable how much of a Webb I am as I've only been one for the last 25 years or so....but I still get to blog my view of Webb world as I sees it.) much for my intro....I will now dutifully blog about the World Wide Webb World..... :)